
Matchmaking at its finest

The CEO of the company I work at is a very interesting and unique 70 year old man, who has more money than I would know what to do with. Case in point: he just bought a 2009 Jaguar. Just cause he can. Can we say jealous??
Anyways, he's only at the office about four months a year- basically during football season. He is a huge fan of our college team, and holds season tickets. Outside of football season, he is usually at one of his two lake homes.
This past week he was in one of my co-worker's office and evidently my name came up in the conversation. The conversation went something like this:
CEO: Does Holly have a boyfriend?
CO-W: No, she's single right now.
CEO: Well, why on earth not?
CO-W: I don't think she's met anyone she's very interested in.
CEO: That's a crying shame. She's cute as can be and has a great personality. She should have a boyriend.
CO-W: I wish I knew someone to hook her up with, but I don't.
CEO: Well, is she bringing a date to the wedding?
**SIDENOTE**: the wedding was the wedding of another co-worker that was taking place that Saturday evening
CO-W: No, I think she's going to come by herself.
CEO: Well, if she shows up alone, then I'm going to hook her up with someone!

The CEO then proceeded to march out of my co-worker's office, and she proceeded to come straight to mine laughing hysterically at the prospect of this 70 year old man hooking me up.

I found it quite humorous myself but realized this might prove to be a great source of embarrassment. When the CEO drinks enough, which he does quite regularly, I could totally see him grabbing the mic at the reception and asking if any singles guys in the room would be my date for the night. He has no inhibition or shame! I said this to my co-worker and she laughed even harder and said, "You're right, he would totally do that!!"
I grimaced. Oh the joys of fighting of unwanted dating help.

The next day brought a situation that I never would have dreamed I would be in, that of turning down a "date" with a 70 year old, married, multi-millionaire. Yes, it's true. The situation... how should I put this? ... "heated up."

The CEO was back in my co-worker's office talking about the wedding.
CO-W: Is your wife going to be to make it to the wedding?
CEO: No, she's still at the lake house. She won't be back in time. I'll be going by myself.
CO-W: You should take Holly!! She's going by herself.
CEO: Nah, she wouldn't want to go with an old guy like me.
CO-W: Well, she might not want to go with you, but I bet she would love to ride in that car of yours!
CEO: Nah, I'll be drinking, it probably wouldn't be a good idea.

At this point, my co-worker came in and told me what she had suggested to our CEO and I could have killed her.
"Allie how could you suggest that to him! I'm going to kill you if he actually asks me!" She just laughed without mercy. Neither one of us actually thought anything would come of it however.

An hour later, in walks the CEO.
CEO: Do you want me to pick you up for the wedding on Saturday?
ME: After almost choking on my own saliva for swallowing suddenly proved very difficult...
"Oh, well thank you so much for the offer, but I'm not sure that I'll be able to stay very long at the reception, so I probably should just drive myself."
CEO: Okay.
He then turned and walked out the door.

I contemplated the fact that I just told the 70 year old, multi-millionaire, married CEO of the company, where his word is law, "No." Not many have done that and survived.
I hope I still have a job tomorrow.

1 comment:

Kristal {Love, Grace & Hope} said...

Oh man, that's too funny!!! You'll for sure have a job tomorrow. In fact, you'll probably have a huge promotion waiting for you just because he loved your guts in saying no to him!