
Envelopes, cover letters, and labels.

Every time I'm asked either of these two questions, I'm surprised. Thankfully, I'm not asked every day. Before telling you the question, allow me to give a little background info. At my job, one of my titles is "official mail - opener." Yay! Growing up, and even in college I loved getting mail; it was always a highlight when I got snail mail. Some times it was the brightest spot in my day when an unexpected card or package came. What a great reminder that someone cared! Post-college, I usually dread the mail, because suddenly the mail changed from cards with money to bills demanding money! Now mail makes me cringe even more because at least one hour of every week day is dedicated to opening,sorting, and dispursing the mail for my small company.
So, back to the surprising questions. What are they, you ask?
First: "Holly are you sure this letter came for me?" Second: "Holly, was there anything else in the envelope with this?"

The sarcastic side of me wants to answer the first one with : "No, actually someone else's name was on the envelope, but to have a little office fun, I decided to change everyone's mail!" and the second answer would be: "Yes, there was a huge stack of legal documents, but I was sure you wouldn't need or want to look at them, so I put them through the shredder."

Really? Do you think I am that I stupid? Do you think that I can't read or that I simply throw away all your mail? (Although I will admit some days it is very tempting.)
I do enjoy the look of confusion on their face when I confirm that they did indeed get their correct mail and, not only that, but all of their correct mail. During those times, I just shake my head, and think, "If you only knew how ridiculous that question is."

One day after being asked that question, I was particularly annoyed by the seeming lack of confidence in my ability to open mail. I was having a little vent session with God.
Lord, can I not have a little respect around here? Do I need to post my GPA so people can get the hint that I'm not a complete idiot? It's bad enough that I'm having to be the mail-opener, but do they really have to question if I can read the addresses properly? Do they know how ridiculous the accusation is that I would intentionally not give them their letters or give them to the wrong person?

It was in the middle of this tirade, that the Lord reached down and clicked on that imaginary light bulb in my brain. My rant turned into:
Oh. I do that with you don't I? How many times have I read the Scripture and then said, "Lord, are you sure this is for me? Didn't you want to give this portion of the Bible to Susan to read tonight?" Or "God, aren't you forgetting some of my "mail"? You must have forgotten to give me the part about fulfilling all my dreams and giving me promotions, money, tons of friends, and a great ministry.

I can just see God shake His head, the way I shake mine when asked those questions, thinking "Does she know how ridiculous she sounds?".
"Yes, Holly, I gave you the right Letter. Yes, you are supposed to read those particular Words tonight. No, I didn't leave anything out. That's all of the message and those Promises are all you will ever need."

So, next time you open God's "mail" to us, don't think of who that passage is really meant for. Understand that He sends us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it, and maybe the excitement of opening the "mail" will return once again.

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