
Child like.

So tonight I had the privilege of hearing a 2 and 1/2 year old say her prayers. It was short and simple.
"Jesus, help me find Jesus."

That was it, and yet, that one prayer sums up what most people attempt to do by themselves their entire lives. No person can reach God on his own. The sin barrier is too vast. It's impossible to accomplish, and yet most people will search their entire lives looking for the key to peace, heaven, and security.
Christians also fall into this. Why do we think that once we get saved we will be able to conquer the sin in our lives without the Lord's help? We try to conquer our spiritual life like the unsaved try to conquer their lives. It's foolish and impossible.

It was interesting because after she prayed, she didn't spend hours contemplating her next move or how she was going to accomplish anything. She got up and continued playing. She believed. She knew that Jesus was going to help her. That's all she needed to know to continue on. She didn't have to have proof or a step by step plan from God on how He was going to accomplish it.

No wonder Christ said to come as a child and to have child-like faith. This little girl was able to realize better than anyone that the only way to truly find the Lord is to ask Him and He will do just that...

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13

Child like.

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