
Bathroom anyone?

So I recently had to go to a building that I had never been in before in order to meet someone whom I had never met. My excitement for this meeting was quickly overcome by the need to visit the bathroom. The problem was that I had just downed entirely way too much soda, and since this meeting could take a while, I thought it would be wise to use the restroom before the meeting. To my dismay, I realized that I could not locate a restroom. It was a 10 story building, and as I searched the ground floor, there was not a bathroom in sight. No problem, I thought, there will be one on the 5th floor, the floor that I was headed to.
So I get on and ride the very old elevator up to the fifth floor, and as soon as I exit the elevator, I sighed in relief. A bathroom!!! I march up to it, and turn the handle and push. I go nowhere. The door was locked. Great, just great. So, I wait. and wait. and wait some more. Finally, I look at my watch and realize I just have a few minutes until my meeting. I get back on the elevator and go down a floor because that would be quicker than waiting on whoever was using the 5th floor bathroom. I get to level 4 and turn the corner to discover that the bathroom is for the opposite gender. Okay, so they must be doing separate bathrooms on each level. I get back on the elevator and try to go down to level 3 to get to a bathroom I can use. The elevator door closes, and I push button for the 3rd level. Nothing happens. I push it again. The elevator stays where it is. I start to panic. You've got to be kidding. Now, not only do I have to go to the bathroom, but I am also in an elevator that won't move. At this point I was ready to scream. I start pushing other buttons, and thankfully one of them caused the elevator to start moving again. I was so thrilled I felt like kissing someone. Too bad no one guys were in the elevator with me. I come back to reality as a I glance at my watch and realize that my time was quickly running out. The elevator stops on the 2nd level. I dash onto the floor, turn the corner for the bathroom and see that the bathroom door is open with the light off. Oh good, I can finally use the bathroom, I walk in, grab the handle to pull the door shut behind me and realize.... it's the men's bathroom. Urinals were sitting there in all their glory. Totally mortified, I throw my hands up in the air and head back to the elevators. As I enter the elevator I start laughing as I think about the security guard who has watched me get on and off the elevator on every floor. I head back up to the level 5 where my meeting was, and with a minute to spare, I decide to try the bathroom door one more time. Still locked.

With a grimace and a prayer for a temporarily enlarged bladder, I headed for the meeting.

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