
Irish travel

I'm going to Ireland in a little over a month, and I can not wait to get there! Over the past couple of weeks, I've been given some very interesting and quite useful tips on how to prepare, what to take, and what to not say while there...
1. I need to learn to drink. Evidently Irish don't eat, they simply survive on beer.
2. I need to learn to play golf. I was told there's no point in going to Ireland if I don't play the most boring sport ever.
3. The men are all ugly.
4. Take a stick to beat the ugly men away.
5. I was given a CD of Irish Drinking Songs to learn before I depart. The reason? See #1.
6. Last, but most important- Don't ask someone for a "ride." Evidently that's slang for wanting to have some hanky-panky!

I feel so much more prepared and ready to go on my Irish adventure with these great bits of wisdom!

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