
Disappointed hope

My friend said it best... 'It's not so much that I'm disappointed in the situation as much as I am disappointed in the hope of there being that situation.'

For anyone who has ever wanted something to occur, or waited for a possibility to become reality, or stayed up late anticipating what might happen when you wake up the next morning, then you know, that perhaps what hurts worse than the loss of that reality or actual event is the loss of the dream. When you no longer have a reason to think ahead and smile, when you no longer have a reason to impatiently wait for that special possibility- that just might become reality, or when you realize that no matter how special that hope was, it was in fact a false hope, that is when the pain hurts most deeply.

So much, if not all, of our lives revolve around hope. We hope for good days at work, or at least a better day tomorrow than there was today, we expect (hope) for fun-filled weekends, we anticipate our life goals being accomplished, we hope for dreams to be fulfilled.

What do we do when those hopes return empty? When possibilities can't become reality and expectations become disappointments?

I know at this point I should start quoting verses about my eternal hope in the Lord, which, I do believe with all my heart. But sometimes, rather than needing words of affirmation, I think I just need solace through silence. For in the silence, I know He understands. He cries. He listens. He waits.

And ultimately, one day He will move- eventually renewing my hopes and granting me new dreams.
But for right now...........
He just sits with me and lets me mourn the disappointing loss of a dream.

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