
The single life. NYC vs. Siberia.

Ah, the single life. In the world today, it's viewed as the glamorous time in your life where you haven't a care in the world... why? because you have a different date by your side every single night of the week, or you are living with your boyfriend until you get sick of each other or a better model comes along. Big cities with lots of singles which make it easy to hook up seems like the perfect life. What an interesting paradox, that singleness is so often viewed as glamorous because of the relationship you are currently in.
On the opposite side of the spectrem, there is the Christian view of singlness that causes most Christians to shudder. So often a Christian young adult associates being single as never marrying and moving to Siberia living out your days in a hut with no plumbing, sharing Jesus with everyone and animal you meet. For some, it's a dream life. For most, it's a nightmare. A godly marriage is often what every young Christian girl dreams of. Very few girls will honestly say they want to be single until they are 30; marriage is what's anticipated more than singleness.
Isn't it interesting how the world glamorizes the life of the single, and the Christians often shudder at it? In this case, I think both sides have it wrong. Paul said that both marriage and singleness are blessings for different reasons. Marriage is a blessing because it was ordained by the Lord as an example of His love and covenant with His people. Singleness is a blessing because it allows you to focus all your efforts, thoughts, love, passion, and time on the Lord.
We, as singles, are able to be focused on the single thing that matters most - not just on this earth but for all eternity. So, what does Satan do? In the world he makes the single life glamorous because he knows that he can use a single person in extraordinary ways, and yet to the Christian singles, Satan persuades us that true godly living and fulfillment comes with a family or involves the single being banished to Siberia. Paul was right in that the single has time and abilities to contribute that a married person doesn't, so the devil wants those that are unsaved to be single in order to contribute to his cause! His kingdom! His evil ways. The best group to share truth with the unsaved singles are saved singles, and so the devil convinves Christian singles, girls especially, that they need to sit and wait for Mr. Right before jumping into active ministry. I do not mean to imply that married couples can not have a great ministry and that ministry only happens when one is single. I'll freely admit that I can't wait to get married, but I don't want to waste another day of not serving the Lord because I don't have a significant other by my side. God has called me to share His love, He has called me to spread the Truth, He has called me to confront evil in this world. He will ask me, and not my husband, why I did not serve Him with my whole being while I was single and/or married, and that is a question, that I, quite frankly, do not want to answer.
So, to all the Christian singles out there, let's take a little bit of a lesson from the world, but only in realizing that singleness is a great time of our lives. Not for the same reasons they portray, but rather for the opportunity to pour our love and passion on the Lord and His work.

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